Sunday, May 24, 2009

Some Updates

Last weekend was Mark's Graduation from UOP Pharmacy school. I am so proud of him and all of his hard was hard and it was a lot!
It was very hot outside! We were under a tent so we were out of the sun but it still was 100 degrees. Thank you to our family for coming to the graduation and dinner. Here are some great pictures that Britt took.

Look at those pink cheeks. He was so hot, but such a trooper.

We made it!

Caleb has never been the best eater when it comes to eating solid food. Last week I really got concerned because Caleb had complete stopped eating solid foods. He also has just not been himself...not sleeping, coughing, gunky eyes and just irritable. I called the doctor and they wanted to see him, they thought it might be an ear infection. I thought finally, and answer to the I thought. The doctor checked his ears, listened to his breathing and checked his throat. NOTHING! I told the doctor about Caleb not eating solid food. So they checked him for anemia. Our poor little guy is very anemic. So we have him on a really high dose of Iron. After he takes the drops he smells like a penny. The doctor said that infants that become anemic often stop eating. I hope this might be the answer, but only time will tell.

But not feeling well does not stop this kid.

Door stoppers are great noise makers

Nothing is safe anymore

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

This was Caleb's first Easter! He is still a little small to do an Easter Egg hunt but he sure is a styling dude in his Easter outfit.

Look what I found......

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The New Bridge

Last weekend the new bridge opened in Folsom. There was a Grand Opening and we were able to walk across the entire bridge. It was only open for foot traffic and bikers. There was a band playing and it was really loud. Caleb did not like that part at all. The new bridge is located in between the dam and the Folsom prison.

Caleb also sat in the grass for the first time. I am not so sure he liked it. Caleb held his arms straight out as if he was making every effort to not feel the grass with his hands.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Surprise, Surprise

So, I was changing Caleb this morning and he had a big smile and I thought there was a white fuzzy in his month. Not the case. Caleb started to getting teeth about a month ago. He has one tooth on the bottom-middle and the other bottom-middle tooth on its way. So back to the "white fuzzy"........surprise , surprise it is his top lateral incisors, the teeth next to the middle teeth. One has already broken through and the other one is on its way. Poor little guy is is getting three teeth right now. Caleb is going to have a really cute smile for now until his top middle teeth come in. I hope this is normal...but was is normal when it comes to babies?!?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

So Big

So we have had some successes in our house in the last week, more signs that Caleb is getting older. We have been working on eating solid food now for almost 4 weeks and two nights ago I think we had a break through. Last night Caleb ate a whole bowl of cereal with banana's. That seems to be his favorite combination and he will open his month without a bunch of tricks (singing, and make faces). We also bought a highchair, before we were using the Bumbo with a tray on it. The highchair works so much better!

Trying some sweet potatoes

Can you see my tooth?

Caleb rode in the stroller like a big boy for the first time, he loved it! He was really quiet just soaking in all the new sights. I also bought him a little hat to keep the sun out of his eyes and he thinks it is fabulous. When you put the hat on him in side he just sit there and laughs and laughs. I think it is like peek-a-boo because he can only see us when he moves is head up. It is so cute.

The other really fun thing Caleb is doing is he gets a lot of spit on his lips and says MMMAAA, MMMAAA, and blows these big spit bubbles.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Six Month Check up

Caleb went for is 6 month check up today and is is growing like a weed. Caleb weighed in at 16 lbs 14 oz which put him in the 45%, head circumference was 44cm which was in the 55% and height was 27 inches which is in the 75%...............So it looks like our little man is following in Mark's footsteps.

Caleb is meeting all if the milestones of rolling, sitting up by himself, responding to sounds and following us around the room. Caleb is quite the busy body, he rolled himself over to the TV area where the Wii is and was do some work on it and the games. He is starting to rock back and forth while sitting so I believe crawling is just around the corner..........our lives will change dramatically. We started rice cereal almost 2 weeks ago and he still is not liking it to well but we keep working on it, soon I'll start some fruits and veggies. I bought this really neat steamer/food grinder all in one so I can make our own baby food.

What a joy that little boy is to have in our home.

Monday, March 2, 2009

NeW PiCTureS

Caleb is growing and changing everyday, here are some more recent photo's. Caleb turns 6 months old on Thursday....where does the time go.

Just sitting on the sofa like a BIG boy

Playing ball with my dog. Chewbacca really likes Caleb.

I left Caleb playing on the floor while I jumped in the shower and this is how I found him when I got out. What a little cutie!